Grading + Classroom Links

For Students and Families:

JumpRope Login | for progress + grades

View academic progress and grades in JumpRope.

Jupiter Login | for family communication

Notices from the Principal, Assistant Principal, teachers, and the PTA come home both in backpack mail and by way of email. Jupiter is the system that both the school & PTA use to send emails (including our weekly newsletter) to the entire school community. View this video for login help.

TeachHub Login |for online work

* Log in with email ending in

Teach Hub is a portal to support students & teachers. The portal provides quick links to essential applications for remote learning, including:

  • iLearnNYC

  • Student report cards (available in the Student Documents icon)

  • Student grades (available in MyDashboard)

  • G Suite, Microsoft O365, and Zoom

    Unison is a G-Suite School, which means students use their Unison email (ending in and their NYC Public Schools email (ending in to access everything. We put a lot of our assignments in Google Classroom. Students will use Google docs to write, Gmail to contact teachers, and more!

New York School Account Login | citywide school announcements

MySchools Login | high school admissions




Unison Family Guide